
Keith Wishum: We have to let him

Jesus saves. What does that mean? To a banker, saying that someone saves might suggest that he regularly ...

Local News

Church briefs: July 13, 2017

AMERICUS Hebron Baptist Church The 125th anniversary of its founding is celebrated at a special service at 10:30 ...


Pastor’s viewpoint: June 29, 2019

    T. O’Donnell is founder and CEO of workitdaily. com and she’s spent the last 15 years ...


Keith Wishum: It’s about the people, people

Americans have turned away from church. According to Barna Research, on a typical Sunday, only 40 percent attend ...

Local News

Church briefs: June 29, 2019

AMERICUS Hebron Baptist Church The 125th anniversary of its founding is celebrated at a special service at 10:30 ...


Keith Wishum: The give and take of relationships

Relationships are reciprocal. How are yours today? Are you getting along well with your family? Do you have ...

Local News

Church briefs; June 22, 2019

AMERICUS Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church A Pastor’s Appreciation Day celebration is at 3 p.m. June 23. Speaker is ...


Prayer time at Harvest of Hope

Each Monday and Tuesday at the Harvest of Hope Food Pantry the volunteers that morning gather for announcements ...


Keith Wishum: Heavenly father hears us, too

Conduct an experiment the next time you are in a crowded public place. (Please don’t do this at ...


Pastor’s viewpoint: June 15, 2019

Remember when motel rooms had two back-to-back doors that connected the adjoining rooms with each other? There were ...

Local News

Church briefs: June 15, 2019

AMERICUS Antioch Missionary Baptist Church The church hosts 2019 Vacation Bible School (VBS) from 6-8 p.m. July 15-18. ...


Food pantry built on faith

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013, was the first day of distribution at Harvest of Hope Food Pantry. Today, Tuesday, June ...


Pastor’s viewpoint: June 8, 2019

The history of science is filled with stories of “fake science.” Everyone thought the sun revolved around the ...


Keith Wishum: God can change everything

Desmond laughed loudly. It slipped out before he knew it. Embarrassed, he glanced around, but nobody seemed bothered. ...

Local News

Church briefs: June 8, 2019

AMERICUS Antioch Missionary Baptist Church The annual Choir and Praise Team Anniversary is celebrated at 2 p.m. June ...


Your take: June 5, 2019

Four-year-old Jon Robert Pierson has a ‘giving bank’ of his own. He chose to give $39 that he ...


Keith Wishum: You must participate to qualify

The Winter Olympic games ended in Korea last year, and I didn’t win the first medal. Not even ...

Local news

Church briefs: May 25, 2019

AMERICUS Antioch Missionary Baptist Church The annual Choir and Praise Team Anniversary is celebrated at 2 p.m. June ...


Keith Wishum: Every day’s a good day for truth

Monday is a good day for truth. On a Monday in 2006, David Edmonson, Radio Shack CEO, resigned ...

Local News

Church briefs: May 18, 2019

AMERICUS Old Antioch Missionary Baptist Church The Pastor’s 12th Anniversary Celebration culminates at 11 a.m. May 19 with ...

Local news

Your take: May 11, 2019

The Harvest of Hope Food Pantry held its annual spaghetti luncheon and yard sale recently at Calvary Episcopal ...

Local news

Church briefs: May 11, 2019

AMERICUS Old Antioch Missionary Baptist Church The Pastor’s 12th Anniversary Celebration is at 7 p.m. May 15 with ...


C harles Whatley: May 4, 2019

Her name was Hattie Green, and in 1916, she was, depending on who you ask, either the wealthiest ...

Local news

Church briefs: May 4, 2019

AMERICUS New St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church The Mission Anniversary is observed during the 11 a.m. worship service ...


Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church celebrates women’s history

AMERICUS — As a culminating celebration of National Women’s History Month, the community joined with Allen Chapel A.M.E. ...


Keith Wishum: Choose your battles carefully

A wealthy, big-city attorney went duck hunting in rural Arkansas. He shot and dropped a bird, but it ...

Local News

Church briefs: April 27, 2019

AMERICUS Southwest Georgia Baptist Association Church The Third District Laymen, General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia hosts a ...


Keith Wishum: Aim high in steering

All good kids like milk. If you know anything about children, you know that is a lie. Some ...

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